Online Math, Science, ACT, SAT Tutoring
Helping the students of today become the successes of tomorrow
Your child worked hard through middle and high school, he or she took challenging classes, and did well. The finish line is finally in sight; is there anything else that needs to be done?
There is one more challenge to overcome: the ACT or SAT test.
But students don't have to take the ACT or SAT anymore, right? After all, aren't colleges moving away from requiring these tests for admission?
While some colleges don't require the ACT or SAT test, many still do. Also, realize that when you apply to a college that does not require the tests, you are still competing for admission against students that did take the tests.
Additionally, many scholarships, such as Zell Miller, require either the ACT or SAT.
Remember: higher scores open college doors and scholarship dollars.
mtTutoring offers both ACT and SAT tutoring. Our average ACT score increase is 5.2 points after 40 hours of tutoring and our average SAT score increase is 225 points after 40 hours of tutoring.
mtTutoring can help your student succeed in on-level, honors, advanced, AP, and Dual Enrollment classes.
Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
PSAT prep, ACT prep, SAT prep
mtTutoring specializes in ACT, SAT, Math, and Science, but can help you with almost any high school subject.